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May 2020


Gov. Andrew Cuomo begged for healthcare workers to come to New York to help battle the coronavirus and so thousands came and were saluted along with thousands of other essential workers who were saluted in a nightly ritual by the populace now we learn that after saving his state's hospitals form being overwhelmed the gov. will be charging them income tax at the not inconsequential New York rates on the monies earned while answering his call for help.


Dr. Samuel Johnson said: “When speculation has done its worst, two and two still make four.”


While we don’t profess to know who is right, wrong or just “mis-remembering” in the Joe Biden-Tara Reade conflict; we do, however, wonder what happened to the Me-Too Movement’s stand that “All women must be believed.” Or does that only apply to frat boys and Republicans that stand accused of twenty to thirty year-old bad actions?