Yearly Archives
Why is Tuolumne County wasting staff time and taxpayer money pursuing their so-called Climate Action Plan when it will make no difference? The General Plan should never have required it despite pressure from the State. There are already so many items crying for attention that actually impact their constituents and the local environment: homelessness, that has proven to be detrimental with trash, waste and fire danger; public safety that lacks the funding to pursue illegal pot farms and meth labs that also have a negative environmental impact; and roads, that quite simply are failing. These are the issues that the Board of Supervisors should be holding special meetings on.11/14/22
French mathematician Andre’ Weil once noted that “The first-rate man will try to surround himself with his equals, or better if possible. The second-rate man will surround himself with third-rate men. And the third-rate man will surround himself with fifth-rate men.”
Seed Saving
Jim Bliss, UCCE Master Gardener