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Horoscopes: Cancer


Just relaxing is healthy - don't feel you always have to be "doing" something. Well, Bank Holiday weekends are the traditional time for a bust up, so there's nothing new there, really. Perhaps even - gasp. Cooperation and compromise are important. Perhaps someone in your circle of friends is withholding the truth.

Other Horoscopes

Horoscopes: Aries


Staying in the background is just fine for you right now. A steadying influence around the home front enables you to draw closer to those you love. A relationship may be reaching a turning point. Relax late and enjoy a private connection. Serious issues may be raised in close partnerships.

Horoscopes: Gemini


Make sure you know your facts before you start the discussion. Rather than being offended, give them some space. You'll have to accept that you're just too far ahead of your time, especially if you turn in an English essay which "challenges" your teacher. Expect some emotional tension in the air as ideas are powerful and business interests are stimulated. Cancelled plans, upsetting opinions, sudden changes of mind, communications snafus, or broken promises disrupt travel plans or disturb a happy frame of mind.

Horoscopes: Taurus


There's a lot of confusion about, and misunderstandings can quickly be blown out of all proportion. But why? OK, yes, you're a brilliant person and an all round superstar. Especially not when they're better than your own ideas. You will tend to professional alliances, commitments and responsibilities early. Begin projects you want to last.

Horoscopes: Leo


Let your daydreams run riot. You could do with a rest - so grab this opportunity to chill out, and enjoy it. restlessness gets edgier at noon. A good business head is necessary. People who are older or someone in a position of authority may try your patience.

Horoscopes: Virgo


Don't ignore your feelings altogether, but don't be led entirely by your heart, either. That pile of homework isn't going to do itself. Your ruler, Mars, changes sign, boosting your ambition. The wee hours bring friendly support if you're willing to share power and talk about family issues. Though an obstacle seems insurmountable, it's temporary.

Horoscopes: Libra


Today a truly special person will cross your path. You're flashing your cash as if it's going out of fashion, and most of what you're buying is…not worth it. Does that really matter? Would it be a world crisis if you just took a day off, mentally, for relaxation? Would your entire life plan crumble if "it" doesn't get done today? No, of course not. Have a soothing bath, a quiet evening and an early night - you simply can't expect to function on no sleep. You're not in the mood to be on stage.

Horoscopes: Scorpio


You have so much to contribute, so it's not surprising that others are looking to you for a lead and asking you for advice. And do get adult help and advice if you feel you need it. well, not wrong, exactly, that just couldn't happen, but perhaps ever so slightly mistaken…. Know your limits and respect them. You'll feel faith and forgiveness early, but then misguided ideals or unworthy projects negatively impact your drive, career or finances.

Horoscopes: Sagittarius


In these struggles for power, the wiser person yields. Never mind - you can count on your mates to help cheer you up. You're very shrewd at the moment, and you won't be taken in by clever sales patter or sob stories - all in all, you can be sure you're getting excellent value for your hard-earned cash. Partners are committed to each other. Intense or unyielding reactions in the morning lead to having to make uncomfortable adaptations all day.

Horoscopes: Capricorn


Make sure you know your facts before you start the discussion. That's fair enough, but why not just say so? You may still have to do it anyway, but you'll earn more respect by being honest than if you carry on making up daft excuses. AT the very least, check with your mate personally before you jump to conclusions. A word of caution: go easy on the job when dealing with the boss. You could be underestimating costs.

Horoscopes: Aquarius


Enjoy their company. With the Moon now in your own sign, your energy and enthusiasm know no bounds. This normally proves very frustrating for on-the-go Libra, but this week it's actually no bad thing. You're benefitting from a fresh outlook on life, new opportunities and new attitudes. There's not much of 2010 left, so stop taking everything so seriously.

Horoscopes: Pisces


An improvement is in the offing, all good ideas need time to mature, and everything needs to be thought through again, quietly. No matter how cross you've been recently, you're starting to understand that some things simply don't matter very much in the Grand Scheme of Life - and that some wounds are best healed ASAP rather than being left to fester. No matter who you upset or how many mistakes you make, you'll be able to find the funny side - and that, in turn, will encourage others to forgive you too. You cherish your dreams, and today is when they may come true. A sudden jolt to romantic, creative, or financial affairs requires adaptation.
