Road Closure Traffic Alert In Calaveras County
Mokelumne Hill, CA – Calaveras County Public Works Department wants to alert travelers to a road closure along Jesus Maria Road next week.
The section that will be shut down runs from 14499 Jesus Maria Road to 15499 for the replacement of four culverts. The work will begin on Monday, March 2nd and continue Tuesday, March 3. The hours of operation will be from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Below is a map of the section of the roadway that will be closed and where the culvert are being replaced.

County road officials advise that emergency vehicles and residents who live in the construction area will be allowed access to the roadway as needed. Motorists are asked to observe all traffic signs and slow down around personnel and equipment near the construction site. A detour is in place so travelers could face short delays.
Questions regarding the project closure can be directed to Calaveras County Public Works at (209) 754-6401.