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Local Woman Finds Help Far From Home

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Nicole Rickards had been unhappy. The Mi Wuk woman had tried everything suggested to her. Nothing worked. Her son, Austin, had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, ADD, and had been taking a variety of prescription medications, all aimed at helping him pay more attention in school and at home. Nothing worked. Austin was lethargic and often felt ill. Rickards despaired of ever finding something that would help her child.

Finding out that Dr. Phil, the life strategist, psychologist and talk show host, was doing a story on ADD, she applied to be on the show. She wanted someone to understand that she and her son were desperate and needed help.

On December 23, 2004, Dr. Phil aired a segment called Parenting with Pills and Rickards told her story. Dr. Phil introduced Rickards to Dr. Frank Lawlis, author of “The ADD Answer”. Dr. Lawlis began to work with Austin and his mom. That work included information on diet and the use of biofeedback. Rickards says she has seen big improvements in her son´s ability to concentrate since practicing the biofeedback techniques taught by Dr. Lawlis using the BAUD (Bio Acoustic Utilization Device). This is an educational technology available to those wanting to improve focus and concentration. According to Dr. Lawlis´ website, each year 17 million new cases of ADD are diagnosed in children and medications designed to treat the disorder don´t work for many of them.

In his book, he shows parents how to “reclaim their central role in healing their children with comprehensive step-by-step advice on dealing with the problems of ADD. His approach blends the latest medical, nutritional, and psychological treatments that can increase brain function with expert insight into the emotional-and spiritual-support kids need.” Rickards says many parents are “unaware that there are alternatives to drugs” for children suffering from ADD and that she has become an advocate for both children and parents. As a follow-up, on his website, Dr. Phil tells Rickards, “We´re so thrilled that he´s (Austin) doing better and you´re doing better.”

Reprinted with permission from The Sierra Mountain Times
