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Study Says California Will Need 40 Percent More Water In 25 Years

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Sacramento, CA — Although the lakes and reservoirs in the Mother Lode are the fullest they have been in several years, a study says California´s need for water will jump by 40 percent over the next 25 years.

Much of the water would be used for landscaping in the hot, dry inland valleys that will see the bulk of the population growth.

The Public Policy Institute of California plotted future use from current water consumption, population growth estimates and demographic projections.

14 million more people will each be using 232 gallons each day by 2030, at the current pace.

But the institute says conservation, water planning and recycling can help meet the demand as the West struggles with continuous water shortages.

Half of all the water used by inland homeowners goes to irrigating yards, compared to one third or less on the cooler coast.
