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Three Mother Lode Road Projects Get Over $23 Million In Funding

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Sacramento, CA — Three Mother Lode road projects, two in Calaveras and one in Mariposa County,  will get a $23 million slice of a $1.8 billion pie state transportation officials are dishing out partly through gas tax funds.

The California Transportation Commission approved the funds to repair highways and bridges and improve the state’s growing network of pedestrian, bicycle, and mass transit routes. The funding comes from the federal government and the state’s 12 cent gas taxes, SB 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. The latter pumped $800 million into the kitty.

Caltrans provided the below details on the projects approved in Caltrans District 10:

  • Murphys Left-turn Lane Project On State Route 4 in Calaveras County: $3.3 million left turn lane project in Murphys. The project will improve traffic operations by constructing a two-way left-turn lane from Pennsylvania Gulch Road to Mitchler Street and upgrading an existing flashing beacon.
  • Angels Camp Active Transportation Project Along Route 49 in Calaveras County: $1.8 million Active Transportation Project located on Route 49 and Main Street in Angels Camp. The project will include widening a narrow section of new pavement; construction of new curb, gutter, and sidewalk; and the roadway will be signed and striped for a new bike lane.
  • Route 49 Paving Project in Mariposa County: $18.3 million project will repave the roadway from the Madera County line to the south junction with Route 140. The project will rehabilitate pavement by grinding and overlaying with rubberized asphalt, reconstructing rumble strips, dikes, and down drains, and upgrading guardrail. This project will extend the pavement service life and improve ride quality.

