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Tuolumne County Budget “Crisis”

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As he prepares to submit a preliminary budget, Tuolumne County Administrator, C. Brent Wallace, is describing the county€™s fiscal situation as a “crisis.”

“About once a decade local government suffers through a budget crisis,” Wallace writes in a memo to county supervisors.

In his preliminary budget, which he€™ll present on Tuesday, Wallace proposes some layoffs and slashing some programs.

Among the proposed cuts: The Pinecrest and Jamestown Library branches would be shut down, two full time jail deputy positions would remain unfilled, and one building and maintenance worker would be laid off.

Wallace points to the continued reduction of local control as the main problem. In that same memo to Supes, he says counties have less money for operations because of the state€™s actions and its $38.2 billion budget shortfall.

Also, the recent raising of vehicle license fees is bad news for the county, because local governments will have to wait 90 days to be reimbursed. Wallace says that means about a 672,000 dollars loss to the county. State officials confirmed last week that the VLF trigger had been pulled.
