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T.G.H. Budget Proposal Before Supes

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Tuolumne County Supervisors could vote Tuesday on a proposal to use $1 million to balance the budget at Tuolumne General Hospital for this fiscal year.

T.G.H. Chief Financial Officer Kent Johnson says that official estmates six months ago were correct. “In essence, what we projected at mid year, is where we´re coming in at year end,” he said. The fiscal year ends in June. Johnson says the financial situation at Tulomne General is improving. “There has been a $1.5 million improvment in cash from the fiscal year ending in 2002 to (the one ending in) 2003,” he said.

Earlier this year, officials at the hospital brought forth a plan to put the health care facliity on better financial footing. Parts of the plan have already been implemented. The plan includes, among other things, reductions in salary expenses, expansion of long term care and reorganization of funding for the Visiting Nurses Association.

The hospital has borrowed $6 million and used $11 million from the county general fund over the past six years.
