More Visible Security At Yosemite
As of this morning, visitors to the world-renowned Yosemite National Park will see an increased presence of security and law enforcement personnel. But, that increased security will not adversely affect access to Yosemite€™s many natural landmarks.
Yosemite National Park Ranger Deb Schweizer says there has been increase security in the park since the 911 attacks, primarily at the Hetch Hetchy Dam. Governor Davis´ call to double security at major buildings, bridges and ports in preparation for possible terrorist reprisals has park officials on alert as well.
“In the park the primary focus of security is the Hetch Hetchy Dam,” said Schweizer. The reservoir supplies water to San Francisco and other California cities. “We do have additional staff to provide security and basically, have an extra set of eyes out there to make sure everything€™s going okay,” she said.
As the world sits at the brink of war, Yosemite National Park will have increased patrols and security measures in place. Schweizer feels they will be around for a while.
“We are in constant communications with the state, other federal agencies, and the counties. If we receive any information to indicate we need to do more, then of course we will,” she said.
The park ranger assured that Yosemite would continue to be a safe haven for visitors. “It´s still a great place to come in times of concern like this. Here is a great place to find some solace,” Schweizer said.
It´s still a great place to come in times of concern like this.