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Regional Update, Five New COVID-19 Cases In Tuolumne County

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Sonora, CA – Tuolumne County Public Health reports five new Tuolumne County residents have been identified. Two from Saturday, two from Sunday and one today. Four of the individuals are isolating, one has recovered and one has left the hospital.

Known Tuolumne tests: 9,145, positive 165 (85 females and 77 males), hospitalized 0, active cases 6, total recovered 157. Of the 165 known Tuolumne residents who have tested positive for coronavirus since March, 157 have been released from isolation. The 157 are reported as ‘recovered’ although they may never have experienced noticeable symptoms or may continue to have lingering health issues related to the virus. Contact tracing is on-going, limited details are released to the public to protect individual privacy as well as to comply with HIPPA regulations.

Calaveras was added to the State’s monitoring list as detailed here.

Daily COVID-19 Cases
Active Date New Today Hospital/
Alpine 0 8/14 0 0
Amador 39 8/17 1 9
Calaveras 23 8/14 13 3
Mariposa 4 8/17 0 1
Madera 892 8/17 78 18
Merced 2,622 8/17 264 91
Mono 15 8/17 1 0
San Joaquin 1,379 8/17 357 140/48
Stanislaus 1,126 8/17 127 198/60
Tuolumne 6 8/17 6 0
Totals (Cumulative) COVID-19 Cases
Recovered (increase) Total Positives Deaths
Alpine 2 (+0) 2 0
Amador 161 (+1) 211 11
Calaveras 150(+19) 174 1
Mariposa 58 (+0) 64 2
Madera 2,190(+87) 3,129 47
Merced 4,326(+187) 7,041 93
Mono 145(+4) 161 1
San Joaquin 13,360(+306) 15,008 269
Stanislaus 11,342(+181) 12,668 200
Tuolumne 157 (+2) 165 2

Tuolumne County Public Health Updates

Public Health will be presenting a COVID-19 update at the Board of Supervisors meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, August 18th at 9 AM.

The California Department of Public Health reports that they have updated their County Data Monitoring list now that the recent backlog of data has been cleared. In order to consistently reflect the data and how the disease is impacting our communities, the state has updated their data, and retroactively updated the County Data Monitoring list for each day over the entire period impacted (from July 25 forward). Tuolumne County Public Health is clarifying with the state on our status and will provide an update when we receive written confirmation.

Due to the extreme heat event, cooling centers will be open from 11 A.M. – 7 P.M. through Wednesday, August 19th as detailed here. Calaveras cooling center information is here. PG&E is asking the public to limit energy use to help prevent power outages as detailed here.

If you are having COVID-like symptoms, self-isolate and contact your healthcare provider or the Adventist Health Triage Line at 209-536-5166 Mon-Fri, or 209-536-5000 after hours. If you need immediate medical attention, please call ahead and go to Rapid Care or the Emergency Department. You can also visit for more information.

The no-cost state testing site is open at the Calaveras County Fairgrounds Tuesday – Saturday 7am to 7pm. Appointments can be scheduled ahead of time at: Appointments are strongly recommended as walk-ins are extremely limited. The site now offers testing for children ages 3 and older (accompanied by a parent or guardian).

It is important that people continue to follow prevention guidelines to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:

  • Practice physical distancing at all times. Keep 6 feet space between yourself and others who are not part of your household. Stay in your household bubble!
  • Wear a face covering in public.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
  • Avoid gatherings of any size with people who are not part of your household.
  • Stay home if you are sick.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel, and limit your outings to essential tasks.


Community Resources Portal:

Tuolumne County Public Health Website:

Public Health COVID-19 Call Center: (209) 533-7440

California COVID-19 website:

State Testing Site info and Appointments:

Tuolumne County Business:

CDC COVID-19 website:

Thank you for your support and efforts to protect the safety and health of our community
