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Just In Time For The Holiday

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Yosemite, CA — Two of the Mother Lode Mountain passes are opened for Thanksgiving travel, but one will remain closed. Caltrans has opened both Highway 108 Sonora Pass and Highway 4 Ebbetts pass. However, Highway 120 Tioga pass will remain closed to holiday travelers.

Yosemite National Park Ranger Kari Cobb says, “We did do an assessment on Sunday where we sent a ranger up as far as he could go up the road. There is still roughly about eight inches of snow right around the White Wolf area and in addition it is pretty icy. Due to those conditions we do anticipate that it will remain closed over the weekend.”

Cobb adds they are expecting rain at the lower and snow at the higher elevations on Thanksgiving Day furthering safety concerns for the roadway to stay shutdown for the Holiday.

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  • Tioga Pass Entrance