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Adventist Health Sonora Implementing New COVID Protocols

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Sonora, CA — With a recent increase in community COVID-19 cases, Adventist Health Sonora is implementing some additional measures.

For example, the Emergency Department is now testing all admitted patients for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, to reduce the potential for transmission. As a precaution, patients admitted in other departments will be tested if they cannot verify receiving the vaccination.

Only one visitor or support person is now allowed for most patients. The exceptions are the Birth Center, which allows three visitors during the duration of the stay, and pediatric patients can have two visitors.

Michelle Fuentes, President of Adventist Health Sonora, says, “We are well prepared with experienced staff, ample supplies, and policies and procedures honed over the last 17 months of frontline pandemic response. We are open, safe, and ready to care for our community, with all safety precautions in place that continue to protect our patients, families and caregivers.”

The hospital is also strongly encouraging everyone in the community to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer is available for anyone 12 and older, and the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson for anyone over 18. More information can be found here.
