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Prop Springs Prisoners

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San Andreas, CA – Prisoners statewide are being sprung from jail with the passing of Proposition 47 this past Tuesday.

The ballot measure reduces felony charges to misdemeanors for shoplifting, forgery, fraud, petty theft and the possession of small amounts of drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines.  In addition, sentences are being reduced for those who appear in court.  Now, some two days after 58% of voters passed Prop 47 some sheriffs in the state have already been implementing the measure to drop jail overcrowding.

As previously reported, both Tuolumne and Calaveras County sheriffs spoke out and signed a letter of opposition to the measure.

“The people of California made a huge mistake,” says Calaveras County Sheriff Gary Kuntz.  “This is just an extension of AB-109, to save a bunch of money and not lock people up, but nobody says anything about putting more cops on the streets to deal with the problems caused by the measure’s passage.”

Some 65% of the savings by implementing Prop 47 will go towards grants for mental health and drug treatment programs overseen by the Board of State and Community Corrections.  The remaining 35% is targeted for school truancy, dropout prevention programs, and to help crime victims.

  • Calaveras Sheriff Gary Kuntz