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Famous Elephant Passes Away

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San Andreas, CA — One of the oldest Asian Elephants in North America has passed away at the PAWS sanctuary in San Andreas.

The elephant Annie was 55 years old. She was born in India, but was moved to a zoo in Wisconsin around 1960. In 1994, videos emerged of Annie being heavily abused by trainers. Following public outcry, Annie was rescued an relocated to PAWS in 1995.

The footage of the abuse was also shown in a 2013 HBO documentary, entitled “An Apology To Elephants.”

“I’m proud we were able to give her a peaceful and more natural life at the PAWS sanctuary for nearly 20 years,” says Ed Stewart, PAWS President. “We restored her dignity and gave her the care and respect she deserved.”

Annie experienced severe arthritis and foot disease, which gradually worsened over her later years. It became clear that treatments and medication used to help ease the pain of her chronic conditions were no longer providing relief, and she had to be euthanized earlier this month. PAWS reports that she was lying in soft soil, and surrounded by those that cared for her, and loved her, when she passed away.

  • Annie