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Storm Contributes To Crash

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San Andreas, CA — A single-vehicle accident on Highway 26 in West Point during Sunday night’s stormy weather sent a minor to the hospital  with major injuries.

According to the California Highway Patrol-San Andreas Unit, around 9 p.m. Reanna Barnes, 34, of Pioneer was driving westbound on the highway, west of Niderost Lane in a 2001 Dodge. Temporarily blinded by the rains and headlights of an approaching vehicle, she steered to the right and lost control of the car, which left the roadway and collided with a post-mounted mailbox and a tree. The CHP report indicates that while Barnes was not injured in the incident, one male minor passenger sustained serious injuries and was transported to Sutter Amador Hospital. Slightly injured, the other passenger, also a male minor, did not require hospitalization. Police say that neither drugs or alcohol contributed to the crash.
