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Bigelow’s Mokelumne River Bill Clears Hurdle

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Sacramento, CA — Republican lawmaker Frank Bigelow says he is “very excited” that AB 142 advanced out of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee.

It is related to the potential designation of a stretch of the Mokelumne River as “Wild and Scenic.” Bigelow’s bill would require that a study be done on the impact to local communities, prior to any potential designation.

Bigelow says, “Especially during these times, as we’re facing our fourth year of drought, it’s important for us to know all the facts.”

District 8 Republican Senator Tom Berryhill added, “Any changes to river designations, especially when we are in the midst of an epic drought, have to be done with our eyes wide open.”

AB 142 advanced out of the Natural Resources Committee on an 8-1 vote. It was endorsed by groups like CCWD and the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors. It still needs to pass in the full legislature, and be signed by the Governor, to become law.

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