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Local Poll Question Results

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A recent poll question asked: Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? The informal results were 65 percent No and 35 percent Yes.

With President Obama’s emails reportedly compromised in a Russian cyber attack, how to securely send digital information is an interesting question. Thankfully more people are taking precautions to secure their data and protect their computer from becoming infected by malicious programs.

Another timely question that was asked was, “Do You Have Your 100 Feet of Defensible Space Cleared?” A vast majority responded that they were ready with 80 percent of the votes. Clearing the space is no small task for some and renters and other situations could be unique. For 20 percent who voted No, we hope your situation does not require it.

In two other informal polls myMotherLode asked about Govenor Brown’s executive order to reduce green house gas emissions. Not only did 73 percent vote “it will not happen” 56 percent were against it and it is not needed. A full 33 percent felt it was needed and they support it and another 27 percent voted it could be done. Eleven percent said the Governor’s order is not important.
