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In Use: Nestlé Bottled Water Donation

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Sonora,CA — The Tuolumne County Office of Emergency Services now has access to over 5,500 gallons of water in 1/2 to 1 gallon bottles donated by Nestlé. The shipment of 22 pallets was received yesterday morning. Each pallet weighs about 2,000 pounds and was unloaded with help from T.U.D. forklifts and employees. The pallets are being stored in storage units owned by Plum Construction, at no cost to the county, for the entire summer. Department of Emergency Services Coordinator, Tracie Riggs, says the county is already providing the donated water to people who need it. Over 200 homes in the county are affected by drought, some awaiting water tanks to be installed or special connections from T.U.D.

Nestlé company representatives told Riggs it will also replenish the water as more is needed.  Created in 1992, Nestlé Waters is the number one bottled water company worldwide.

Riggs credits Darrell Slocum, with ATCAA, for finding individuals to help manage the large donation. She says, “I tell you all of this to relay that even in the midst of what seems to be so bad, people are so good.  We are continually amazed and blessed by the generosity of individuals and businesses on a daily basis.”

Riggs and the Office of Emergency Services are coordinating many projects and meetings related to managing the drought emergency. She reports the county did receive some of the $16 million in state water board funding last fiscal year and will be receiving some of the $19 million next fiscal year approved yesterday. The money is to help communities, non-profits, and public agencies meet their emergency drinking water needs. The amount of funding Tuolumne county will receive depends on the need reported to the State Office of Emergency Services.

Details about plans to further cut back on water use by Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta farmers are here.



  • Nestle Water Donatoin
  • TUD helps off load Nestle Water Donation