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Defensible Space For All Property

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Twain Harte, CA —  Vacant or not; all property must have defensible space in Twain Harte, especially with the extended drought creating a possible treacherous fire season.

Twain Harte Community Services District General Manager Tom Trott says, “We just recently passed an ordinance that requires defensible space on vacant lots. Before now, vacant lots were not required to do any kind of defensible space.” Trott continues “[Vacant lots] are pretty packed with trees and pine needles. They’re pretty much a big fire danger to some of the neighboring parcels that have structures on them. We’re starting inspections on those lots.”

The town is also getting help with disposal of debris caused by clearing property. Trott adds, “We just received a grant from the state for $50,000 to do some curb side pickup this summer and hopefully the following summer…hopefully that will help some of the people in our community get rid of their clippings in a safe manner and to clear their properties.”

The area of defensible space on vacant lots will have a different level of clearance, according to Trott, which will be determined by the district.

  • Twain Harte