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Planning Commission Will Review Twain Harte Apartment Project

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Twain Harte, CA — There is a plan to convert a portion of an existing building in Twain Harte into apartments.

It is the site that houses the Twain Harte Library, at the intersection of Twain Harte Drive and Tiffeni Drive, directly behind the Twain Harte Shopping Center.

Right now it is only zoned for commercial, and the owners, George Lee and Phyllis Chiu, are requesting a mixed-use designation, allowing for both commercial and residential (apartments).

A total of seven apartments, including studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom, would be constructed on the top floor. The bottom floor, housing the library branch, would remain the same.

On Wednesday evening the Tuolumne County Planning Commission will review a requested General Plan Amendment, zone change, and site development permit.

There are no external changes proposed for the site.

Tuolumne County Community Development Director Quincy Yaley adds, “There is no tree removal and no additional parking is needed.”

She also notes, “We have been working with the Twain Harte Community Services District to make sure that this site will comply with any upgrades that are needed for water and sewer laterals. We’re looking forward to reviewing this project as we do need additional housing in the county. It is consistent with our policies that encourage infill development, as well as increasing the number of housing opportunities for residents.”

Some people who live nearby have reached out to the county asking if it will be affordable, subsidized, apartments, or market rate. Yaley says she has received no indication it will be subsidized housing, so it will most likely be the market rate.

Wednesday’s meeting will be held online via Zoom at 6pm. Click here to view the full agenda.   
