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D.A. Courts Four Legged Hire

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Sonora, CA – The Tuolumne County District Attorney’s office has hired a new member to its team – one that has four legs, a tail and wet nose.

Pictured with District Attorney Laura Krieg in the upper lefthand image box, Ann, a 2-year old petite black Labrador Retriever will be an integral part of the Victim/Witness Program. These “Court Support Dogs” provide a quiet sense of calm, security, and non-judgmental support to reporting or testifying victims during lengthy investigative and legal proceedings, according to the D.A.’s office.  It is anticipated that Ann will help provide an added layer of support for crime victims.

The new canine staff member has two years of training and came with top credentials from the accredited National Education for Assistance Dog Services (NEADS) organization. Ann passed the same public safety test used by guide dogs for the blind. There is no word yet on her official start date.

  • Tuolumne County District Attorney Laure Krieg and service dog Ann
  • Ann, court service dog