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Grant To Aid Elder Abuse

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Sonora, CA – A new grant will provide Tuolumne County with new tools to fight elder abuse including additional staff and resources.

The state’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) has awarded the District Attorney’s Office a $350,000 grant through its Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach Program.  The application targeted the county’s elder population pointing to the need for increased services for victims of elder abuse.  “Often the District Attorney’s Office becomes involved once charges have been filed in elder abuse cases,” stated Laura Krieg Tuolumne County’s district attorney, “my goal is to increase our presence in the community so that we can assist in providing information on how to prevent this crime and also provide early intervention services.”

To meet that objective, Krieg plans on hiring a full time victim witness advocate and experienced office assistant to focus solely on elder abuse cases and participate in outreach services, education, and prevention.  To increase collaboration and cross agency reporting, a multi-disciplinary elder abuse task force will also be formed.

The funding is for two years running through March 31, 2018.

  • District Attorney Laura Krieg