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CRA Director Bev Shane Retiring

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Sonora, CA — Capping off a 35-year career, Tuolumne County’s Community Resources Agency Director will retire this coming January.

Bev Shane alerted the Board of Supervisors, and county staff, of her decision late yesterday. Shane started as a county planner, and eventually moved up to the ladder to Planning Director, Community Development Director and finally Community Resources Agency (CRA) Director. The CRA, which was created in 2011, and the position oversees both Public Works and Community Development.

Speaking with Clarke Broadcasting, Shane says the decision to retire is bittersweet. “It has been a great opportunity, and a great challenge.  But most the most important thing has been the people I’ve worked with over the years, and I’ve had a wonderful opportunity to work with so many people…It’s been a very rewarding experience.”

As for Shane’s future plans, she and her husband plan to stay in the county, but will do much more traveling and exploring. She announced her decision nearly eight months before her departure to give county staff adequate time to develop a transition plan.

County Administrator Craig Pedro was not immediately available for comment this morning regarding how the search will be conducted to find Shane’s replacement.

  • Bev Shane