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A Comfortable Lead For One Lady In California’s Senate Race

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San Francisco, CA — One of two women vying for Senator Barbra Boxer’s seat is sitting pretty after the findings of a new Field Poll.

The survey found Attorney General Kamala Harris continues to hold a comfortable lead over her rival, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.  According to 956 likely voters contacted by telephone, the polls found Harris holding a fifteen-point lead over Sanchez (39% to 24%). After placing first and second in the June primary the two will square off in the general election in November.  Harris won 40% of the vote in the primary, beating the rest of the field by a wide margin, while Sanchez finished a distant second, with 19%. The twelve Republican candidates collectively received 29% of the votes; none tallied more than 8%.

It is the state’s first all-Democratic candidate general election for U.S. Senate and that is causing a quandary for some voters. The poll found that 15% of all likely voters reporting this, including 31% of the state’s Republicans and 35% of those who identify themselves as strongly conservative voters.

Rank-and-file Democrats gave the Attorney General the edge as she is favored by greater than two-to-one margins among white non-Hispanics and African Americans, voters in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area, voters who identify as strongly liberal, middle-age voters, and those with household incomes of $40,000 or more. Sanchez has the upper hand among the state’s Latinos, voters under age 40, those with no party preference, conservatives, inland county voters, and household incomes of less than $40,000.

  • Kamala Harris