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Executive Director Says Goodbye To The Sonora Area Foundation

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Sonora, CA — As reported in July the leadership of the Sonora Area Foundation will soon transition as Executive Director Ed Wyllie will be retiring at the end of the year.

In Wyllie’s newest and last blog he shares a few thoughts about the Sonora Area Foundation and the local non-profit community. Wyllie says, “Our non-profit organizations are the life blood of the community – for example, they feed, clothe, and shelter; provide sports and other athletic programming; are sources for learning outside of the formal education framework; enlighten with the arts and entertainment; preserve our history; mentor our youth; support science and technology; protect animals; or create open spaces for all to enjoy.” Read his full blog, “One More Thing Before I Go” here.

Darrell Slocum has been selected as Wyllie’s successor. Slocum joined the foundation on October 1st and is working with the outgoing Executive Director until December 15.

The Sonora Area Foundation was incorporated in 1989 and the governing boards of the foundation and its supporting organizations regularly award grants to fulfill the needs of Tuolumne County. Since its inception, $22.5-million has been awarded to local projects and efforts.

  • Ed Wyllie