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Despite Precipitation…State Continues Drought Regulations

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The California Water Resources Control Board chose to take a cautious stance and voted to continue the state’s existing water conservation requirements.

It prohibits practices liking watering a lawn right after the rain and hosing off driveways. The conservation requirements were set to expire in in February, and they will now be reassessed in May, near the end of the rainy season.

“These regulations have helped Californians rise to the occasion and show what they can do with conservation, while providing flexibility based on differing local water supply conditions across the state,” said Chair Felicia Marcus. “We are beyond happy that water conditions continue to improve this year, but the rainy season isn’t over yet and some areas of the state continue to suffer significant drought impacts. As glorious as the first half of the season has been, we know that weather can change quickly.”

Statewide water use was down by 20.6% in December of 2016 as compared to use in December of 2013, before the drought.

Click here to read an earlier story where local water leaders weighed in on the existing conservation requirements.

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