Another Mountain Pass Closes For The Winter Season
Sonora, CA – Caltrans closes another regional mountain pass this week.
Due to recent snowfall, Caltrans officially closed Highway 4 Ebbetts Pass for the winter from the Mt. Reba turnoff just west of Lake Alpine to Silver Creek, 5 miles west of the Highway 89 junction in Alpine County. As reported here on Tuesday, Sonora Pass was closed from the Sno-Park gate east of Strawberry in Tuolumne County to the U.S. 395 junction in Mono County.
“The recent storms and accumulation of snow make the seasonal closures necessary for the safety of motorists and Caltrans crews,” detailed Caltrans, adding, “The weather conditions on the passes and subsequent road conditions are among the determining factors in the decision to make the seasonal closures. Once the passes are closed for the winter, they will not be reopened until conditions warrant.”
Yosemite National Park maintains Highway 120 Tioga Pass, which is temporarily closed at Crane Flat after recent heavy snowfall. Road crews have yet to make a decision as to its seasonal closure. Caltrans reminds motorists that all vehicles, including those with four-wheel drive or snow tires, should also carry chains when traveling during snowy weather. Travelers without them may not be allowed to continue their trip. When highway signs indicate that chains are required, drivers must stop and install chains or risk being cited and fined.

Caltrans provided this list of restrictions:
- R-1: Chains are required on all commercial vehicles (trucks or buses). All other vehicles (cars, pickups, vans, etc.) must have either snow tread tires or chains on the drive axle.
- R-2: Chains are required on all vehicles except four-wheel drives with snow tread tires. Four-wheel drive vehicles must carry chains in the vehicle.
- R-3: Chains required – ALL VEHICLES – no exceptions.