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Tentative Agreement Reached To Boost Law Enforcement Salaries

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Sonora, CA — Tuolumne County Sheriff Bill Pooley is pleased to hear that a tentative agreement was reached in closed session at this week’s board of supervisors meeting that would help increase law enforcement salaries within his office.

We reported previously that Sheriff Pooley has been voicing concerns at recent meetings because of a staffing crisis, and the inability to hire and retain law enforcement officials. It has led to the closure of the narcotics division, taking designated resource officers out of schools, and shipping some jail inmates to the neighboring Calaveras County Jail.

The sheriff earlier publicly proposed eliminating some of his positions that are in the current budget, and using the money to increase salaries for existing and new law enforcement officers. He argued that he would be unable to fill those positions anyways, at the current pay rate. Specifics of the new agreement have not been released, but they will be formally voted on during an upcoming board of supervisors meeting.

Pooley adds, “The two sides have reached an agreement in principle and I think that the contract will be ratified shortly. I am very optimistic, and I think it will go a long way to improve public safety in our community.”

He continues, “Across the state, it is very hard to recruit and retain law enforcement professionals, and this will give us a definite push in the right direction to do so in our community. I think it will make the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Office one of the premiere places to work in our region.”

Negotiations involved leaders of the Deputy Sheriff’s Association, CAO’s Office and Board of Supervisors. Sheriff Pooley says he is thankful to all of the parties involved, along with leaders of the probation department and district attorney’s office.

Again, more details regarding the agreement will come to light at a future board of supervisors meeting.

Sheriff Pooley concludes, “It shows that this community supports law enforcement in our county.”
