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California GOP Details Top Priorities

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Sacramento, CA — California’s Senate Republicans have put forward a new platform for the legislative session that commenced this month.

Senate Minority Leader, Brian Jones, says, “Our caucus is prepared to fix the problems plaguing families up and down this state. Gavin Newsom’s ‘California way or the highway’ has people literally fleeing because of the high cost of living, worsening homelessness crisis, and failing schools.”

The caucus has sent a budget priority letter to Governor Newsom that identifies the GOP’s top issues, including wildfire prevention, new water storage, cutting government costs, crime prevention, action on homelessness, and investing in students.

On the issue of law enforcement, the GOP notes that California’s crime rate is 13% higher than the national average, and also that one of the leading causes of death among young people is fentanyl overdoses. This will be the focus of some new legislation and proposed pilot projects.

Republican leaders also want to see movement on the long-talked-about Sites Reservoir proposed in Colusa County.

Senate GOP Caucus Chair, Janet Nguyen, also adds, “I am committed to working with my colleagues on shaping a more affordable California. Increasing the state’s renter’s tax credit, supporting local government efforts to build more economical housing and suspending the gas tax are priorities to me.”
