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Cleaning Up Natural Bridges Trail

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Calaveras County, CA – Caltrans is partnering with a local 4-H group to clean up the Natural Bridges Trail off Parrotts Ferry Road in the Vallecito area of Calaveras County this weekend.

The volunteers, including those from the Copper Hills 4-H, will not only get a nice hike in but also remove ugly trash littering the trail. Caltrans encourages participants to run, walk, or take a brisk hike while picking up garbage. The cleanup will be concentrated along a 0.7-mile stretch of the trail, as designated in this map.

Caltrans map of where litter will be picked up
Caltrans map of where litter will be picked up

Caltrans says, for safety’s sake, all the waste collected will be gathered in one designated location for pickup. They add that the location will be a minimum of 50 feet away from all waterways or drainage facilities.

“The first, ultimate rule is that waste in one place is better than waste in thousands of places,” noted Caltrans.

The cleanup will take place on Sunday, March 26th, beginning at 10 a.m.
