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Another Shot Fired In Bullet Train Saga

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San Francisco, CA — Opponents return fire in the ongoing bullet train lawsuit battle and refiled a lawsuit that a judge ruled against earlier this month.

This newest attempt to derail the $64-billion dollar train, filed Thursday, takes a new approach by naming the lead plaintiff as the state of California, rather than the California High-Speed Rail Authority, and has added state Finance Director Michael Cohen to the complaint. The objectors contend that AB1889, signed into law last year by Governor Jerry Brown, allows rail bonds to be sold and spent on the electrification of Caltrain from south of San Jose to San Francisco is unconstitutional as it violates the promises made to voters in 2008. Earlier this month a Sacramento judge rejected that argument.

As reported here, back in April the state went ahead and sold $1.25 billion in those bonds while the lawsuit was still pending sinceĀ itĀ targeted only the spending of the money.

  • High-speed rail