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Proposal To Temporarily Reopen Tuolumne Road North

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Sonora, CA — There could be some movement soon on reopening Tuolumne Road North, which has been closed since March 17, due to storm damage.

The needed improvements will be discussed at Tuesday’s Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors meeting. Meeting documents note that the first phase of the overall extensive work will include the installation of horizontal drains in the slope under the roadway. The project is still being designed and should go out for construction bids in August or September. The second phase, which will include anchoring the road to stable rock under the clay layer, could start in late Fall.

In the meantime, the county is investigating a short-term solution that could reopen the roadway before the first phase is completed. It would require the relocation of k-rails, road surface repairs, repairing the culvert, installation of slow speed signs, etc. The cost of a fast-tracked “temporary reopening” is $30,000, so the board will discuss taking money from reserve contingency funds for the project. It would require a 4/5 vote. The closure of Tuolumne Road North has created both convenience and public safety concerns for residents nearby. A specific timeline to temporarily reopen it was not detailed. Under the proposal, the road would be closed again if there is additional movement or projected heavy rains.

It will be further discussed at Tuesday’s 9 am board meeting.
