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Wanted: A Few Good Boys’ Varsity Coaches

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Sonora, CA – Barely into the new school year Sonora Union High School District is three boys’ varsity sports coaches short — for basketball, soccer and baseball — and working to fill those slots.

Attempting to account for the current dilemma, which came out of the decisions to resign by Boys Varsity Basketball Coach Dan Dona, a PE teacher, Baseball Coach Will Sarkisian, who teaches English, and Soccer Coach Quani Berisha, District Superintendent Pat Chabot surmises, “I think it just happened by chance that [the three former coaches] wanted to spend more time with their families.”

Himself, a former swimming coach for ten years, Chabot readily admits, “It was great but after a while it does get overwhelming sometimes.” The good news, he adds, “Basketball and soccer do not start until November and baseball starts in February so we have time to see what candidates apply and see who the best candidate or candidates will be.”

While teachers do get preference, per the Ed Code, Chabot shares, “We just want someone with experience and knowledge of the games they are doing and the ability to work with the students…a passion for the students and passion for the sports — that is what really counts.”

Applications close Sept. 5 at 2 p.m. for the Varsity Basketball and Baseball coaching positions, which pay a stipend of $5,414 as well as for Varsity Soccer Coach, which pays $4,061, although the latter will remain open until filled since the soccer season does not begin until early next year. Applications may be picked up at the District Office (100 School St.) in Sonora. For more details, click here.
