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Targeting A Fun And Safe Hunting Season

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Calaveras County, CA — Hunters are taking aim as today marks the beginning of deer and bear hunting season in Calaveras County.

As reported here, last Saturday kicked of hunting season for both Tuolumne and Mariposa counties. Calaveras County Sheriff’s officials want to remind the public to be aware of an increase of people in the woods wearing camouflage and carrying weapons. They advise that the public lands throughout the county are utilized by a variety of users including hunters, nature enthusiasts, off highway vehicles, and motorists who all need to be respectful of each other. Sheriff’s officials stress that any reckless or unsafe behavior will not be tolerated. Additionally, they indicate that poachers and/or polluters can be reported to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife CalTIP line at 888-334-2258.

For hunter education tips click here.
