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Supervisor Brandon’s Vice Chair Selection Comes With Pointed Advice

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Sonora, CA — While Jaron Brandon was unanimously picked as vice chair of the Board of Supervisors for next year, there still appears to be some tension with a couple of board members.

Last year the board decided 4-1 to bypass Brandon in the vice chair rotation, in a controversial move, instead picking David Goldemberg to serve as second in command to chair Kathleen Haff. The action was criticized by many supporters of Brandon.

Yesterday the supervisors approved David Goldemberg as the new chair for 2024 and Brandon as vice chair.

District Three Supervisor Anaiah Kirk acknowledged that the “elephant in the room” was the bypassing of Brandon a year ago. Kirk stated, “You have grown over the last year and all I will say is ‘keep growing.’ If that continues, I’ll support this (vice chair pick).”

Kirk continued with advice for Brandon, “Next year is going to be a chair conversation. My recommendation is to do the will of the full board. We’re all individuals, but we are strongest when we are a unit. If you keep that at center, we shouldn’t have any problems.”

Outgoing Chair Kathleen Haff praised Brandon’s ability to lead committee meetings that he chairs, however, she feels he is not always punctual, stating, “I would like to see this year, when you are vice chair, you being at the seat when we start every single meeting, meaning up at the dais. Being here, present, when we start, because you are going to have to be when you are chair.”

Other Supervisors came to Brandon’s defense and offered accolades.

District Two Supervisor Ryan Campbell said, “I have full faith and confidence in Supervisor Brandon. I think he has done a lot of good things in the county. So, I have no additional equivocations and I think he is going to be a great vice chair. I am happy to make the nomination.”

District One Supervisor David Goldemberg added, “I enjoy working with you (Supervisor Brandon). You are really good at research. Sometimes you maybe come up with a little bit too much (laughs). You obviously really dig into things. It is good. I’ve learned a lot.”

Both the chair and vice chair votes were made with 5-0 votes. Both Goldemberg and Brandon thanked the board for their support.

After the meeting, Supervisor Brandon said, “Having my colleagues’ confidence means a lot to me personally, but more so to the District Five residents I serve. I think we’re going to have a great year.”
