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Nancy’s Hope And Tuolumne Band Of Me-Wuk Indians Receive State Grants

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Sonora, CA — Some local food distribution programs are receiving thousands of dollars from the state to improve refrigeration and freezer equipment.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture recently awarded a combined $9 million to 103 projects in the state through the Healthy Refrigeration Grant Program. It is designed to reduce “food deserts” by funding energy-efficient refrigeration and freezer equipment in “low-income” and “low food access” areas. Grantees will use the equipment to better stock California-grown fresh produce, nuts, eggs, meat, and dairy products.

Non-profit Nancy’s Hope in Sonora, which has a food donation center, is receiving $29,000. The money will go to purchase new refrigeration units, two high-efficiency freezers, and a three-door commercial refrigerator, to replace existing inadequate units.

The Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians is receiving $57,000 for the purchase of a walk-in cooler and a walk-in freezer for its federally funded food distribution program that started in November of 2022. The additional refrigeration will allow the Tribe to expand its food offerings.

In Amador County, Operation Care, which provides domestic violence and sexual assault support services, is receiving $2,100 for a refrigerator at its new food pantry. The Ione Band of Miwok Indians is also receiving $7,100 to improve access to fresh produce in areas with limited grocery store availability.
