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Meeting Next Week On Tourism Marketing District

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Sonora, CA — Visit Tuolumne County (VTC) is hosting another meeting this coming Wednesday (April 3) to educate the community and stakeholders about plans to develop a Tourism Marketing District.

VTC’s current budget is now based on a decreasing tiered percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax which visitors pay for lodging.

As the TOT allocation is being phased down, the Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors has directed that VTC create an additional funding source by May of 2026. A Tourism Marketing District is an assessment that guests would pay on their lodging bills in addition to the TOT.

Visit Tuolumne County CEO Lisa Mayo says, “This third session will be very much like the first two as we are trying to give several opportunities for the lodging community to ask questions about the TMD, explain what the formations of the district would mean to them, and why the district must be formed to ensure a thriving tourism industry.”

The next phase of the TMD includes forming a steering committee that will help guide the creation of the District Plan.

VTC requests interested attendees for Wednesday’s 6 pm meeting to confirm their attendance by calling 209-533-4420. It will be held at the VTC headquarters at 163 South Washington Street in Sonora.
