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Utica Water And Power Begins Annual Fall Maintenance Outages

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Angels Camp, CA – Utica Water and Power Authority’s annual fall maintenance outage is underway and will last for just over a month.

The work began today, Friday, November 1, 2024, and will run through Tuesday, December 3. During this time, crews will make necessary maintenance on wooden flumes, concrete-lined canals, and hydroelectric powerhouses, reducing water lost to leakage. The water will be turned off, stopping the water flow throughout the system, but water will still be supplied to water districts.

“Water stored in our reservoirs will continue to be supplied to Union Public Utility District and the City of Angels Camp for municipal water service,” stated city officials. “We’ll also keep water in the creeks, but please be aware that stream flows through Murphys Community Park and Tryon Park will be noticeably lower during November.”

During the outage, Utica will shut off water conveyed from the North Fork Stanislaus River that normally flows through Utica’s system from Avery to Angels Camp, with limited water deliveries planned to maintain the reservoir levels to meet operational needs and environmental requirements. On weekends in November, the water may be turned back on for a day or two to refill storage reservoirs.

The Operations and Maintenance Crew will also be making repairs and upgrades to both the Murphys and Angels Powerhouses. Below is a list provided by Utica of the anticipated repairs to be completed:

Anticipated work in the Lower Utica System (P-2019) and Murphys Powerhouse:

  • Maintenance and repairs to Flume 14
  • Relining canal with shotcrete where needed
  • Cleaning and patching canal where needed
  • Vegetation control on upper and lower banks of the canal where needed
  • Murphys Powerhouse accumulator maintenance
  • Murphys Powerhouse routine maintenance

Anticipated work in the Angels System (P-2699) and Angels Powerhouse:

  • Maintenance and repairs to Flume 1
  • Maintenance and repairs to Flume 4
  • Annual cleaning of Angels Forebay
  • Relining canal with shotcrete where needed
  • Cleaning and patching canal where needed
  • Vegetation control on upper and lower banks of the canal where needed
  • Routine Angels Powerhouse maintenance

Those with questions or concerns can contact the Utica office at (209) 736-9419 or email

  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo
  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo
  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo
  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo
  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo
  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo
  • Utica's annual fall maintenance outage -- Utica photo