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Calaveras County To Begin Annual Roadside Weed Spraying

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Calaveras, CA– The Calaveras County Public Works Department will soon begin its annual roadside weed control spraying along county roads, aiming to prevent vegetation from obstructing drivers’ views, damaging roadways, and increasing wildfire risk. County crews will spray a six-foot swath along roadsides twice annually, with the first application expected to begin between mid to late February, depending on weather conditions. A second round of spraying is scheduled for mid-April.

Property owners who do not want roadside spraying on portions of their parcels must opt out by Febuary 21. To be placed on the county’s “No Spray” list, they must call Public Works at (209) 754-6401 and provide their name, parcel number, and physical address, along with a description of the area they want to be excluded from spraying.

In addition to notifying the county, property owners must post two visible signs along the roadside portion of their property. The first sign must read “BEGIN NO SPRAY ZONE,” while the second must-read “END NO SPRAY ZONE.” Signs must be large enough to be seen from a moving truck. If a property’s fence line does not directly abut the road, signs should be mounted on stakes close enough for operators to clearly see them.
