Four Tuolumne County Planning Commissioners Appointed
Sonora, CA — Four people were appointed to the Tuolumne County Planning Commission, two are new, and the other two are returning members.
There are seven seats on the commission.
We reported earlier that each member of the board of supervisors makes a nomination to fill their district-represented seat, and the other two are at-large members.
Terming out later this week are John Latorre in District One, Catherine Santa Maria in District Four, Ron Kopf in District Five, and Jerry Morrow who is at-large.
Supervisor Mike Holland nominated Sasha Farkas for District One, Steve Griefer recommended Michael Smithwick for District Four, and Jaron Brandon nominated Kopf to remain in District Five. All three were approved unanimously by the board as part of a consent calendar vote at the beginning of the meeting.
Later the supervisors kept Morrow in the at-large seat with a 5-0 vote.
The four join existing members Jim Cherry in District Two, Jim Jordan in District Three, and at-large member Jim Garaventa, who have terms that expire in 2027.
The group meets to review land use matters in the county.
Community Development Director Quincy Yaley stated at the meeting, “The planning commission, just for the public’s information, provides a variety of duties, including reviewing discretionary projects. Sometimes they are a decision-making body, and sometimes they are a recommending body to the board (of supervisors).”