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Calaveras Community Foundation Grants 14 Project Awards

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San Andreas, CA – A Mother Lode community foundation is gifting funding dollars to over a dozen endeavors benefitting seniors, youth and community enrichment.

Calaveras County Community Foundation officials announce its board has chosen to award 14 competitive grants focusing on these three areas under its 2018 funding cycle, totaling over $89,000.

Several groups serving the county’s aging senior population will receive over $64,000, partly due to funding from the San Francisco Foundation in memory of Lloyd Federlein.

Among these are community food pantries in Valley Springs, Copperopolis, Angels Camp and Murphys and Common Ground Senior Services’ Meals-on-Wheels. Other include DRAIL, which modifies homes by installing ramps and providing medical equipment; Habitat for Humanity’s senior home repair services; Calaveras Humane Society, which provides seniors’ pets with preventative and emergency veterinary care; also Blue Mountain Coalition for its Youth of West Point’s “Fun Fridays for Seniors” program.

Three youth initiative projects will share more than $13,000 via the foundation’s County Youth Donor Advised Funds. They are Mind Matters Clinic of Murphys for their Fast ForWord to Success education program; Calaveras County Office of Education, to cover fingerprinting for incoming volunteer mentors for the Calaveras Mentoring Program; also Calaveras County Friends of the Library for STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art and Math) kits and activities to help prepare children for 21st century jobs.

Two cultural enrichment projects received over $12,000. The Community Betterment Fund fully funded Murphys Creek Theatre’s plans to replace the Black Bart Playhouse’s aging lighting fixtures. The Jackson Rancheria Casino/Resort Hotel Community Fund contributed towards funding the Manzanita Writer’s Press “Voices of Wisdom,” which records seniors’ stories, memories, and historical recollections for an anthology publication.

CCF, now 18 years old, has provided over $2 million in competitive grants, scholarships and assistance for community good. For more details about the foundation, click here.

  • Calaveras Community Foundation Office