Forest To Begin Broadcast Burns, Creating Smoky Skies

Fire crews from the Groveland Ranger District performed prescribed fire operations in the China Ridge area, near the Pines Campgrounds, May 11, 2023.
Sonora, CA— Smoke will be visible along Highway 120 and Smith Station Road on Stanislaus National Forest’s Groveland Ranger District in Tuolumne County early next month as broadcast burning is expected to last through May.
Broadcast burning allows fire to be confined to a predetermined area and produces the fire behavior and characteristics required to meet the forest health objectives of a burn plan. Most burn units are adjacent to Smith Station Road, Greeley Hill Road, and Forest Service Road 2S05, near the Groveland Ranger District office.
Daily burning of 50 and 200 acres will begin in early April and continue through May. All burning is contingent on weather, fuel moisture, and air quality.
Smoke may be visible from Smith Station Road and Highway 120, with some down-canyon drift smoke visible in the evening and early morning. Noting that this project is a planned prescribed burn, fire officials ask the public not to report this as a wildland fire.
Questions or concerns can be directed to Forest Public Affairs Officer Benjamin Cossel at or 209.288.6261.