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Sonora Council To Review Red Church Traffic Project And Roundup Preparations

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Sonora, CA — The Sonora City Council will hear an update, and have a chance to weigh in, on the Red Church Pedestrian and Circulation Project.

It is part of the overall Vision Sonora effort, and it aims to realign Snell Street with Washington Street, add crosswalks, bulb-outs, solar powered pedestrian crossing beacons, and a small park area with benches. Earlier this year the council reviewed the 35-percent design plan, and tonight will be the 65-percent design plan. The engineering firm will take the feedback and use it to develop a further along 90-percent design plan.

In addition, the council will discuss some items ahead of an annual Mother Lode Roundup community celebration. The council will vote to close South Washington and many other side streets the morning of May 11. The council will also vote whether to allow alcohol within the street closure area.

Another item on the agenda is to declare April as Autism Awareness Month.

The meeting begins at 5pm at Sonora City Hall.

  • Vision Sonora Draft