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Summerville Asking For Technology Bids

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Sonora, CA — The Summerville Union High School District will vote on whether to get bids on some high tech equipment. The school wants to start a pilot program using wireless computer tablets for several different classes. The tablets would be purchased with measure H bond money.

Summerville High Superintendent Dr. John Keiter says, “It’s going to be tied to the bond. We don’t know if we are going to directly spend some bond money. We have three issuances of bond money and we’ve only sold one series and we have two more to sell. At this point, we may front load with some deferred maintenance money, buy this equipment and then back fill with bond money. Ultimately, it will trace back to the bond.”

Keiter expects the cost to be around $100,000 for 170 devices. He says the tablets will allow students and teacher to communicate and collaborate on different curriculum, assignments, homework and projects.

  • Summerville High School