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Calaveras Major Injury Accidents

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There were two serious vehicle accidents in Calaveras County yesterday afternoon that the CHP reports happened within a minute of each other.

The first one occurred on West Murray Creek Road near Pope Street at 3:45pm. 85-year-old Glenn Wasson of San Andreas was flown to Kaiser South in Sacramento to treat reported major injuries. The CHP reports that Wasson drove off the road in his 1983 Ford and went through a pair of barbed wire fences. The vehicle also sheared off a portion of a large pine tree. Wasson told officers that his vehicle began to accelerate uncontrollably, which led to his driving off the road.

One minute later, at 3:46pm, the CHP received a report of a car versus motorcycle accident on Highway 12 east of Evans Road. Officers report that 43-year-old Eugene Hughes of Valley Springs was passing several vehicles on his 2006 Harley-Davidson. As he prepared to pass the car of Ana Hernandez-Baron over the double yellow lines, he quickly swerved back because he saw that she was slowing down in anticipation of turning. Hughes still hit Baron’s care and he was ejected from the motorcycle. Hughes was flown to Memorial Medical Center in Modesto to treat “major injuries.” He was later charged with driving under the influence.
