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Money For Mind Matters

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Murphys, CA — Mind Matters a non-profit treatment center in Murphys is getting a $3,500 grant from the Calaveras Community Foundation (CCF).

The center helps patients and families affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Learning Disabilities.

Center Officials say the money will be used to support their Social Thinking program. They say the ability to understand and interact with other people, whether at family gatherings, at school, or in the workplace, is taken for granted by most people. However, they say this is foreign territory for those who are autistic and many who suffer from attention deficit disorder.

The clinic’s founder, CEO and Medical Director Dr. Ryan Thompson says “All of us have experienced times when we have seen children ‘misbehave’ in situations and have wondered why their parents can’t control them. Often it is because the child simply does not have the necessary skills, or understanding, to cope in such instances.” Thompson adds “Social Thinking addresses these issues in a supportive, non-judgmental environment with a highly trained clinician. In small groups, these young people develop the ability to interact positively, making them a much more welcome person at home, in school, and in other social situations.”

Center Officials says not every family in Calaveras County can afford to enroll a child in Social Thinking and the CCF grant will help make it possible for many of these children to benefit from the program.

CCF President Linda McCall Kangeter says “The Foundation looks to fund programs that have a measurable positive effect on residents throughout Calaveras County. She adds “Mind Matters was able to show us that last year’s grant made it possible for seven children to take part in the clinic’s Social Thinking program. These young people ranged in age from eight to twelve and came from Angels Camp, Mokelumne Hill, Murphys, and Valley Springs. This is the kind of direct cross-county service that deserves our support.”

Center Officials say Social Thinking classes are held once a week, for 50 minutes, with 10 minutes at the end as a recap with parents, on what was learned and practiced that session. They say in this way parents can reinforce these lessons at home, and help with homework assignments for the child and the family. Center Officials say most children continue for a total of three months, in order to cover all the aspects of social thinking completely, and to maximize progress.

Click here for more information on the program.
