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Foundation Releases Community Indicators Project

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Sonora, CA — The Sonora Area Foundation has put out a 2012 update to the Tuolumne County Profile-Community Indicators Project.

The first report was completed in 2005 and then later updated in 2008. It compiles recent and historical data on topics such as demographics, the economy, water quality, teen pregnancy, high school graduation, the arts, etc. It is designed to be a snapshot of Tuolumne County. The entire 96 page document can be found by clicking here.

“It presents information in an un-biased way for the public to look at and draw their own conclusions,” says Ed Wyllie, SAF Execultive Director.

Besides being informative, it is also often used as a tool for agencies and businesses. “It has been used as a reference for reports, grant applications, and a variety of other items” adds Whyllie.

The report was compiled in partnership with the Center For Economic Development at California State University, Chico.

Wyllie writes about the project in his new blog entry. Click here to view.
