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Local Representatives React To Super Committee

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Washington, DC — Mother Lode Congressional leaders Dan Lungren and Jeff Denham are speaking out about the failure of the Congressional Super Committee to reach a deficit cutting compromise.

“The resulting sequestration, or across the board cuts, resulting in blind, indiscriminate spending reductions is a shoddy way to ensure the long-term vitality of our nation,” says Lungren, the District Three Republican. “Particularly troublesome are the cuts to our defense which, as Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta stated, would be ‘devastating.'”

The across the board cuts would impact social services and the military.

“The Joint Select Committee failed to achieve its goal, but it did shine light on the enormous challenges facing our country as well as possible solutions,” says Denham, the District 19 Republican. “Last week our national debt exceeded $15 trillion and millions of Americans are still without a job. In the coming weeks, we must focus on pro-growth policies that will allow our economy to rebound and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.”

Last month Denham sent a letter to the Select Committee urging them to include a bill he authored that calls for the sale of unused federal properties.

President Barack Obama held a press conference yesterday afternoon where he put blame on Republicans for failing to budge on the Democrats plan to increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans. “So far, that refusal continues to be the main stumbling block to further reduce our deficit,” said Obama.

The cuts are scheduled to go into effect in 2013.

  • President Obama