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Calaveras Budget Hearings On Hold

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San Andreas, CA — The Calaveras Board of Supervisors have suspended their budget hearings until Wednesday, July 8.

According to CAO Bob Lawton, “Their consensus was that they would like to wait until at least July 7 or 8. They’ll come back on the eighth to reconsider what they’ll do. The collective bargaining units are currently either in negotiations with the county or pondering tenative agreements and we hope that that situation will clarify as we get close to July 8. We’re going to continue the way we are for the time being. No personnel changes are being made at the current time and all offices will stay open.”

Lawton’s proposed budget calls for 43 county positions to be eliminated if no concessions can be reached with the bargaining units.

Lawton says one of his great concerns is if in place of pulling Prop. 1A from the table (taking property tax money which would have to be reimbursed), the state goes after gasoline tax money which under state law would not have to be remimbursed to the county. Lawton added if the state takes that route it will cost Calaveras County approximately $1.7 million and that he says would be disasterous.

The tenative budget must be completed by July 20.
